Sunday, August 07, 2005

3d vision? 3d reality

I was just relaxing this afternoon, almost dosing off when I found myself staring at the corner of the cupboard and the shadow it was casting on the wall. I closed one eye and looked at this picture, then the other eye! The images were different! Its confirmed what I had believed as needing both the eyes for good stereoscopic vision! Instantly I felt this deep appreciation and amazement at how it was that this carbon-base biological chunk of 'meat,' the brain, was putting together these two different images to produce a different image and with an extra dimension to it!! Mentally I wrote a formula: 2 D + 2 D = 3 D (where D is number of dimensions in the image.)
An image, I thought is always 2D! It’s the calculations and the processing inside the mind that gives it the extra dimension(s.)
I wandered further in my thoughts. How do we actually apply this pictorial phenomenon to non-pectoral circumstances! To the so-called everyday walks of life! Could we say this following example is such an application; Two people arguing and then a fight breaking out: verbal + verbal = physical? How about this example: Tonight's Community Shield match of Arsenal vs. Chelsea! Two bunches of people sitting at the TV screaming, supporting and swearing for two different teams and having absolutely no effect on the game! Just like the shadow of the cupboard corner; both eyes seeing two positions on the shadow in relation to the corner, yet the shadow remains in one static place in space! It’s the viewing angle and the "viewing methodology" that differs!
I wondered for a "moral of the story" to this. Could the message be "your realisations are limited to your ability (/abilities) of perception and interpretation? Or is the message "keep an open mind."


wad said...

Duh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


rxs said...

eheh! gaanagaa: yeah! isnt it so!

Unknown said...

it was only today that i was pondering on Wittgensteins "the limits of my language are the limits of my reality".
Looks like my vision is the limit of my reality. If I remove my specs I cant even see what I am typing...have I written anything yet?