Friday, July 08, 2005

rxs hears home

"Dagun-dah dagun-dah dagun-dah,
Raydiyo haveeru.... Dhivehi bimun
tini tinti teetee" and the madonlin of Jaymu Dhonkamana played on and the programme began!

I just heard it. It was miyooooozik to my aching ears. Aching to hear homeland voices beside what i hear everyday, aching to hear "radio" the maldivian radio I grew up listening to and was listening to until a few months back!

I had made several attempts to listen to this , the Voice of Maldives audio webcast (or some call it Radio Maldives online,) but for some reason it wasn't working for me. Many other Maldivians living here have had the same problem. One IT guy said it was something to do with a messed-up DNS server in this city (duh??) or some stuff like that. Another IT guy told me that streaming had nothing to do with DNS servers!
Tonight, my friend Senses0, told me he was listening to some geek counsellor saying deep-stuff about substance abuse on V.O.M. Having explained my problem to him and that I had tried listening many a times and on different timings, I checked the V.O.M. site. Presto! There it was ! It had worked and no one had done anything! Atleast not to my knowledge. Amazing how the anonymous unkown forces work things out for you.
All I am left with is this temporary (as long as the V.O.M. stays audible) happinnes, and an i-o-u-tea for Senses0!

Thank you distant sounds and voices.


Simon said...

Where in the world are you rxs? Where in the world does $1 = ~Rp70??


rxs said...


primary0 said...

u climbing everest?

Simon said...

Everest is in Kathmandu?

*never mind*

rxs said...

simon: almost.. The Himalayas contain Kathmandu as well as Everest. But Kathmandu does not contain Everest! Duh! was that the Sets we learn in Maths? Universal set, sub set, bla bla!