Sunday, June 04, 2006

suprising surfacing of a Maldives Honorary Consulate in Nepal

Some have heard there is an Honorary Maldives Consul in Nepal. From what I found he is the owner of big hotel Radisson (American hotel chain) and has held this title for a loooong time now! No one has ever heard from him! I wonder why the Madives Government justifies keeping such people at such posts.
A couple of days back we got a mail from him. Everyone's response was fury. I dont know who else replied back but I certainly did, and still am so angry I am putting it here on the blog.

On 5/31/06,
Subject: Office of the Honorary Consul General of Maldives to Nepal

Dear Students and friends,

I am sending this e-mail from Honorary Consul General, Mr. G. D. Shrestha'a office. Mr. Shrestha is at present in Bombay as his daughter got operated twice withing a week's time and that she is not well. Once he is back, we will be organizing a small get together for all of you in the Radisson Hotel.

As the situation of the country is not so good, we feel that you all will have to be in close contact with the Consulate. Hence, if you have any problems do contact me or Mr. Shrestha. My mobile number is 9851047012 and the office number is 4411818 (extn. 1002 or 1004). My residence number is 016209819 (CDMA) & 4417678/4377278.

I would also like all of you to acknowledge receipt of this mail and kindly pass me your cell number as well as the number and e-mail address of those who have not received this mail.

Thank you
Aparna Oli

I replied

Date: Jun 1, 2006 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: Office of the Honorary Consul General of Maldives to Nepal
To: "aoli"

- Hide quoted text -

Dear Mr/Ms Aparna Oli

Let me at the outset, state that while I express the following grievances at a person/office whom/that I have neither seen nor met, it is not the most comfortable situation that I would choose to be in and hence I write in no disrespect or dishonour to any one or any institution.

Judging from the list of email addresses your mail was sent to, I gather you probably have been contacted by Maldivian authorities. These addresses were communicated to the Government of Maldives during the recent unrests in Nepal and with due respect, I see no other means of you knowning our addresses let alone our existence in Nepal otherwise.

It is most surprising and to an extent hilarious to hear of an Honourary Consul General of Maldives to Nepal. I have been living in Nepal for the past year and have not heard from or of a Maldivian Honorary Consulate here in Nepal until very very recently. While I state this, let me quite plainly assure you that I am not the only one who is in this very same boat. Moreover, there are some students and others, Maldivians ofcourse, who despite having lived here longer than myself, who compare the "story of" there being a Maldivian Honorary Consulate in Nepal to telltale stories. This indeed is spiteful.

As anyone can guess, it was a hard time for us during the recent massive unrests in Nepal. Our biggest weakness was not only in not knowing the magnitude of the events, its consequences and how it could impact us, but also not having much guidance as to how we could go about our everyday lives. With these concerns and anxiety we contacted the Government of Maldives directly, which responded magnanimously. Had we any contact or any means of contact with an office in Nepal such as an Honorary Consulate, it would have been a lesser burden to bear and most of all, of great strength to all of us. Had had close contact, similar to what your mail reads as it being the feeling of Consulate that we "all will have to be in close contact with the Consulate," we probably would have been better able to asses the situation and the Government of Maldives would have more information on which to make their decisions. Let me at this juncture say that I am proud of what the Maldivians in Nepal together with the Maldives Government did collectively during the days of the recent unrest and would boldly challenge any other in similar conditions to execute such, better.

It is my firm belief that any country establishes diplomatic designees in another, for the well being and benefit of its own people. As such I am very saddened to note that I know no Maldivian here who have got any benefit from having a consular representive in Nepal. As haphazard as it is in most, if not all, transactions in Nepal, a helping hand from a local representation would have been greeted with cheer and joy. Just one example of such is the process of obtaining a visa and the stupendous amount of money and unnecessary red-tape that it involves.

In conclusion, let me say that while we are yet to learn how long such a consulate existed in Nepal and what benefits we, the Maldivians in Nepal, have recieved from it, it is not with the greatest enthusiasm that I look forward to meeting the Consul. Quite frankly, I wonder as to how many Maldivians, out of a total you probably can obtain from Department of Immigration, Nepal, would turn up for a gathering. It is also yet to see how much of a relationship and trust we, as beneficiaries, can establish with you.

As I mentioned at the very beginning I stress that it is not my intention to show disrespect or dishonour to a person or persons or institution(s). I apologise for otherwise. Words expressed above are views of my own and not that of a collective.

Finally, I wish Mr. G.D. Shrestha good health, and his daughter a speedy recovery.

Very sincerely,

Mohamed Inaz (Mr)
Maldivian in Nepal


M said...

Respec, rxs, defender of the innocent, protector of the weak, lord of the rumble. Respec for standing up to the nutcase and being the voice of many Maldivians in Nepal. What inaz has said, more than expresses the view. Mr. G. D. Shrestha, the so called whatever of Maldives to Nepal is probably a name nobody hasn't heard since just about now.

The nerve of that old relic from the foregone era of a kingdom! No shame what-so-ever.

He has had no role in Nepal, besides driving around in his Benz with the Maldivian flag on it. Students have come and gone and never heard of the douche-bag. He has never bothered to contact any Maldivian in Nepal. And of those Maldivians who has bothered to contact him, found it easier talking to walls. In other words, he is as useful as the pope's balls.

So I wonder why the hell is Maldivian government so laxed about its foreign and diplomatic policies. Is this just another case of "what is inside also showing on the outside?" It is high time he (Honorary Consul General of Maldives to Nepal) go ousted (isthiufaa. faibaa.) from his high horse to which he serves no purpose.

Besides, his post has outstayed it's welcome and need, since the Ambassador to India has also been assigned as the Ambassador to Nepal.

I guess this is his desperate attempt at clutching at the last straw to keep his post.

Shame is him. Shame is his post. May his post be ever removed. May he shit his pants and live to smell it. Amen.

rxs said...

repec, ma main man M
i wonder whether and what the Maldivian Govt pays him! if 'em govt ppl are payin, then 'em govt ppl are making such a waste of good citizens' money!
Faibaa, Isthiufaa, GDShrestha

Anonymous said...

At first I just read part of the title of this post and thought, gosh, that Inaz must've gotten hold of some mind-blowing geological surface data.

Yeah, I haven't been paying a lot of attention to anything lately.

Interesting. Especially since this must be about the only excitement you guys get over there. Atleast you have your own little dirty politics to talk about at the kadays.

Yeah I'm just not feeling it bro. But hey, keep up the good work.

rxs said...

simon, you pathetic ear-swab! But understandably, u got to be a bit more in it to get it.. but as Anonymous said, if u dont get it, u dont get it.

M said...

To my knowledge, he doesn't get paid. But what about his role/duties that comes with his title/post? I think it would be much better to give the post to a Maldivian in Nepal. It is unfair that he should run around showing off our flag on his car. That is total exploitation. Isthiufa to him. Faibaa to him.

We should also note that Mr. Naseer, while not within his duties, have taken the opportunity on various occassions to help and carry out various activities, which normally should have been on Mr. Shrestha's shoulders. Dr. Ikleel Shareef (Iku) may also be noted and appreciated as an active and extremely helpful student amongst the community.

In my humble opinion, Inaz would be the best candidate around here. More action, less politics. The way life should be.

Therefore, I hereby nominate and await a seconding and further movement to instate Inaz as the Honorary Consul General of Maldives to Nepal.

Hail Inaz. May his scalp be blessed with hair. May he exorcize this G.D.S. fellow from our G.D.P. ratings. Amen.

rxs said...

suddenly its very windy.
O' Draconian devil!
Oh, lame saint!
Ole' ole ole ole'

Anonymous said...

Awsome.. I guess whoever wrote the letter to u guys is really pissed off now.