Monday, November 14, 2005

Done Soldier of Fortune II

I've just completed Soldier of Fortune Double Helix. Its a swell game and full of action. I loved every inch, every minute of it! I couldn't play without saving multiple of times and hence, lame me, I had to play in amateur mode. The challenge ahead is to play in the Soldier of Fortune mode. On the other hand, though SOFII is a good game I might not really have another go at it.
Instead I think I'll just see why my PES4 wouldn't work with the Wolf Patch!
Play hard.


Anonymous said...

i thought like u discoverd the DNA triple helix - as in threshold.

rxs said...

sigey: ekekeke!
hey u havent got your username recoverd from blogger still eh?

wad said...

How about Half-Life 2?, some say its the best game ever.

rxs said...

hm! I'll need a new graphics card..